Wednesday, July 31, 2013

my first car accident (minor..kinda)

Hi yeah..It was kindaaaa....scary of what had happened just now..(31/7/13)
My mum's car was in the workshop (it was being fix by my uncle his house). So, she asked my cousin who is like a brother to me to fetch us. Yeah, 'us' as in my sister, my friend and I.

We didn't know he was in the school area until he came and called us.
( We all went to the same school.. All of us are upper six student, expect my sister who is of course lower six student).
And....we went out of the school's area and he drove quite fast actually. He sped up cause he thought the U-turn is still far away. There were lots of cars queuing up at the U-turn...and the last car was actually at the 'main' road already and not the curvy-ish extra-ish road the U-turn area always has to stand by the car. Duhh....I don't know what I'm really saying, but I hope you guys understand? Haha!

Honestly, I didn't really see the last car (black car) in front of us..we didn't expect the U-turn to be so near.

So yeah, he tried to brake the car, but he didn't press or step (whatever you guys prefer) the brake strong enough. And I remember I was thinking.." ohh mahn..this is not good..shit shit shit! ". Then, BOOOOM! Crashed.

My cousin said, " Shit! shit! shit! I'm in a big shit!" He went out and do some discussion. He called his dad for some solutions which he is too panic to think. I wanted to go out of the car, seeing what's going on but I can't cause if I open the door...It will fly away or hit by another fast moving car. And that will be worst. really.

They handle it okey. The person who's car got hit was my sister's friend. Her driver was doing the driving. phewww....luckily.

I asked my sister and my friend of they were okey. My sister has a minor injury and my friend is okey. She was shocked tho. I mean EVERYONE WAS SHOCKED! She said with emotions (a lil bit of anger), "but this is my first time experiencing it!" and I was like "me too" (duhhhh --) But I didn't panic. I was just a lil bit nervous. I mean c'mon, shits happen. Don't underestimate them and don't exaggerate stuff.

So when he came in, he was still sounding shocked and a lil bit scared. He then said, "shit! I'm gonna be scold by my dad"

And the car my cousin drove isn't any's BMW. His dad's favorite car. We went to the workshop which is owed by my cousin's uncle.

I went out of the car and finally I got to see the damage. On the right side, the glass (light's) were all scattered and the front part (right) were crashed. Luckily, the car is still able to move (duhh...thar is how we got to be in the workshop).

It'll cost thousand of dollars to repair the damage. His dad was fu.ri.ous. Then..blah blah blahhh...dadada..

My sister knocked her mouth to the passenger's seat and her lip(lower) is bleeding. But so far, no one is hurt. And yes, that is a relieve =)

My cousin kept apologising to all of us..which I kinda didn't expect cause you know...he's the 'trying-to-be-cool-ish type' but he did. I texted him, telling him that it's not totally his fault for not seeing the car. I just don't want him to feel so guilty. aww~ what a good cousin I am =3 HAHA! whatevaaaa.... =P

So that's all chaw!
And oh, our school mates happened to pass by and saw the damage car, and kept texting my cousin. Huh...tomorrow is the last day of the school term and I bet there will be lots of questions and curiosity being asked....but I'm just gonna pretend nothing happened. I mean 4 of us are gonna stay cool.

Damn...there's too much of shits happening in a day! 3 things! and I'm gonna talk bout them in my next post =) Nites!

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