Today (17/11/12) is the day that I've looked forward since days agooooo... it took ages for you to wait something that you're waiting for.....the ferk am I saying? -.-"
We....the other colleges are doing their expo in the city...but us, town -.- *fail
Anyway, It was lots of funnnnnnnn!!
One of my friend (Viv) and I, were shift 1 ...that is from 8am to 11am...(3 hours)
Shift 2, is from 11am to 2pm....(3 hours)
And shift 3, is from 2pm to 5pm.....(3 horus)
But both of us stay till shift 3....yeahhh... 9 freaking hours mahn! T.T
We, ptetians, sold a lot of things....
There were, arts (painting and sketching), handicraft or recycled stuff (bottles to vase, cloth to ribbons, pieces of paper to bookmarks), food (sandwish, sushi and mini choc cupcakes), Henna (whatever the sp is), maths puzzels ( eggs, matchbox and ermm..something2 origami).....oh! and also foot massage~ ohh yeah~
These pictures are taken by my friend, Jessie.
I handled the food section....with Viv...
1 box mini cupcakes ( 4 pieces) - $1
1 box sushi (6 pieces) - $6.........................wait, what?! o.O yeah, I know...I'd told her to change, but she refused...*sigh* I knew that no one's gonna buy....until an ex-smsb teacher...who is my ex-math teacher when I was in high school...bought it...and he's the first and the last....during shift 1.... -.-" She compared what she'd done to escapade.....and I advised her and 'lecture' her...cause, c'mon, we're no where near those professionals.... the mini cupcakes...there's around 2 customers that bought them... =)
Those maths puzzels, only the 'eggs' ( where we have to.........arrange to form an egg? A correct one of
The handicraft thingy and recycled thingy were handled by a couple of my good friends, like Liy and Naz...And they were interviewed! x) gawddd! they're so brave to talk in front of the camera, without script. If I was one of them, I.....................would be happy......................with script on my hands....ok, whatever hahaha! Oh, it was 8pm, a couple of hours ago, in the Brunei news, I was soooo thrilled to watch the news, because of them....well, yeahh...3 hours of standing there....and the TV interview that the news showed, were like 3 minutes -.-" I mean, seriously...but one of our art students was in the TV....too bad I have no idea who she is....buhuhu~
Our promotion |
It was until shift 2, Viv decided to change plan....that is;
1 box of sushi ( 18 pieces) - $5
and yeahh, I totally agreed with that..I mean, that worth...the box was full and all... the products or food, were sold in a rate of 0.0000005 per second. Nahhh...just kidding...It was just okeyyy...
The 'massage team' has arrived, and that's when foot massage it available....but no one brought the stuff...sooooo.....we were scold by miss. LALALALALALALALALALALALA...huh... we were rushing to go to the town to sell our products, cause we're LATEEE! and we have to find the other students that didn't show up..... I don't really understand what happened...but we all got blamed...esp Viv...haha! She was sooo pissed off...all bad words just flow~~~~~~ like this..~~~~~~ haha!
I swear, I sweated like a waterfall............gawdddd! It was crowded and hot! and sticky with this darn school uniform...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... oh, and then Me, Viv and Mas went to Jolibee and have our brunch~
Oh, my best friends, Mij and Fifat, were there too! They're under foot massage.... We took pictures,walk back and forth promoting our products.....and then, the miss. foot massage (Mij)'s leg got cramp...and she's like taller and tough-looking girl...put her weight on me, and I have to support her....meao.. -.-" I'm just.........nevermind~ not gonna say mah height~
And Vivien and I continued to stay till shift 3.....Mij and Fifat went home...I mean back to school....
So, the shift 3 students came....We told them what to do...we stayed till shift 3, it's all because there'll only be 9 students....while shift 1 and 2.... 15 students.. and no one will handle the food section, so yeahh B)
Our friends, Khai and Fareed was sooooo much fun! We told them to promo the food and asked them to bring back 10 customers...neh, at least 3 customers....and darn it! They did it! Hahaha! We were just joking...
Then, we decided to change plan again...
1box ( 4 sushi + 4 cupcakes) - $3
and very last minute tuna sandwish were added into the list....
1 box (4 pieces of bread) - $2
so, yeah, instead of just standing there...cause the seats were limited, I've decided to join them....
We wander around....and round.....and round............and......aim! There! A customer bought our food....there are secrets actually~
" ohhh! Hi teacher! Do you wanna buy these? This one is sushi, and the other one is just cupcakes! Or do you want 2 in 1 (cupcakes + sushi)? This is actually $6, but it's because you're a teacher, we decided to give you only $5 ( it's actually $5 -.-)"
" Hi! Do you wanna buy this? It's's a healthy food. It's actually $6, but for you, we'll just give you $5... you can give your kids~"
" Hi teacher, do you wanna buy these? It's offered! If you buy 1, it'll be $3, and if 2, $6~"
" How about this? We just made's nice"
HAHAAHAH!! cute! They're just funny. How I wish I could be as creative as them! x'3
I'm glad to have friends like them...
But then, after a few rounds, we all got tireddddddddddddd....but me and Viv don't wanna give up....until all the products were sold out...
And the $3 sushi + cupcakes were sold out! x)
The $5 sushi and $2 sandwish...there's still a few boxes left... so, Viv and I invited Riz to join us.. I love him, he's just a cutie!
Riz |
So, he shouted like selling fish in the fish market...gawd...that's embarrassing...and then, Erw joined us...he's promoting his foot massage~
Yeah, we sold quite a lot~
And the foot massage, it was quite a service! =)
8 minutes - $3
Oh, we walked from booth to booth. HAHA! and then, we came to a school named 'Ripas'.. WE. WERE. COMPETING. WITH. THEMMMMMMMM.... their booth the few feet away from ours. We offered them our products, and we have to buy their products in return. Erw and one of the student (girl) were competing...and it's like you're able to see the lightning and thunder between them..hahah! kiddin' =p but yeah, I'm not kidding....wth? The students were not bad....I mean in term of attitude..and.... =p the guys are good looking...and the girls.........................hey! I'm straight! =p but yeah, they're just juniors... but at last., we won't the battleeeeeeeee! A big thanks to Erw! hoho!!
So, it was until..........around 45 minutes before 5pm..... we passed by Jolibee. And Viv was talking and asking me stuff...which I can't remember what they were, cause I saw HIM~ ='3
He was at the corner, in Jolibee, ready to stand up and leave, and I think it's him....that look, that hair, those eyes....that's HIM.... it should be him...
Even though, if it's not, I don't care~ I just wanna see HIM...or maybe just someone that looked like him, which could give the impression of HIM...muahahahah! I'm just happy now =') But I know this happiness won't last long, but who cares? I'm enjoying it right now x')
It was around 3 seconds...until a stupid, fat, big asshole wall ( a real wall..not a person -.-" ) BLOCKED MY VIEW T.T and I can't see him no more T.T...
I kept turning around, but Viv kept talking to me and I don't want them to suspect, yeahh...byebye ='( I hope to see HIM again....and I hope to talk to him again...blahhhh~
And finally, we reached our booth. I went blank for a few seconds, cause my mind kept playing the scene where I saw 'HIM' before the wall block my view! -.-" sad ending~~~
Anw, we counted the $$$$ 'chaching chaching' and we made quite a lot.... 70% comes to us (there's 6 of us) and 30% goes to the school.....
Packing...packing....packing.....Imma wanna go home soooo bad! Wanna 'rest', but then I'm here updating my blog~~
Overall, today, I'm happy! Just happy! =) Thanks to all my friends...
but, in the morning, I was rushing too...cause I was suppose to wake up at alarm rang... " 5 more minutes... 5 more minute" Then, suddenly, my dad came into my room and wake me and mah sis up...I looked at the clock, and it was 6.15am....WTFFFFFFFFFFF?!?! how could the 5 minutes be so fast? o.O
Dear 5 minutes,
Just be 5 minutes. And now half and hour when my dad wakes me up next time. xoxo
sincerely, Van.
And every school time, I follow my friend's car, and recess time, she'll be following my car~ mum's be specific =p it's always 6.45am, she.....I mean her dad picks me up..but's earlier than usual... at that time, I was having my breakfast...and the bread was full in mah mouth, when her car came....I kinda stuff everything into my mouth...poor mehhh 3= yeah, I know...Then, my dad scold me -.-"
" You took 10 minutes to iron your cloth!"
" Nooo..@&@*@(" <----can't talk properly
" Who says no?! "
" I di.....did &@*@ not!! " <----still can't talk properly
but yeahh...whateveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer....................................................................
Anyway, my friends are awesome! But not as awesome as meh =p so, is a great day! =)
Oh btw, there were 2 beautiful butterflies yesterday... a big one and a tiny one... and I guess, it's my grandma and my brother =') I do love them..and miss them... I'm too lazy to upload their butterflies form photo..hehe!
So, I hope you, readers are having fun reading my long stories..... 3 in 1 story ^^ Thank you y'all!
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