Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bully (1) - STOP IT

Hi readers from north, east, south and west!! I've just randomly clicked a link and saw this page / blog.... It's sad....and it's all about bullying...
I mean I never really experience me being bullied or my school mates being seriously bullied... I'm living in Brunei... A small, safe country with a population of less than 500,000. But I've gone through discrimination and being criticize...and it sucks. I know being bullied is far more worse...

While I'm typing these;
somewhere unknown, there are;
kids that are crying right now,
kids that are hurting themselves,
kids that are feeling invisible,
kids that are trying to end their life...

Bullied term of 'cyber bullying' or ' high school bullying ', they are emotionally and physically in pain... unnoticed parents might believe their excuses like;

"'s okey, I tripped and fell from the stairs just now " - in fact, the bullies pushed the victim down the fuckin' stairs.

" I've been playing with my friends " - in fact, the wound and the ripped t-shirt of theirs were attacked by the bullies.

" I don't feel like going to school, I think I'm sick " - in fact, they're feeling more than that.

Read that.

The victims are screaming in silence, and hoped that any of you would hear it... so DO NOT ignore them when you heard them. Help them BEFORE it's too late. You might be afraid that you'll be in danger too, so don't do it alone, bring some real friends of yours to stand up with you. You are not alone, I bet there's some people do feel the same way...they wanna help, but took a step back cause they're afraid. But what if you stand out of the line first? They will do the same. Be their LEADER.

Parents should be aware of what's happening to their children. Your children TRUST you. They NEED you. and they expect you to UNDERSTAND what they're going through. And also expect you to KNOW their lies. Your child is not a creature that you gave birth and just let them to do whatever they need to, even when it comes to security or protections...

There are different stories in that link...
You'll be the victim, if you're ugly...
You'll be the victim, if you're pretty...
You'll be the victim, if you're rich...
You'll be the victim, if you're poor...

I seriously do not get it! What's so good about bullying? I was fuckin' mad when I was watching the video. I swear I was angry and upset!! He or she (the bullies) might be just a high school kid...but, YOUR PARENTS NEVER TEACH YOU ABOUT SELF-RESPECT!
Why? If you're a bully, lemme ask you this. Whatsup? Are you mad when I say it that way? What makes you feel so? See, you do have a heart. You're just not doing the right thing. You're just trying to fit in. You just wanna be cool. Stop it.
Is there something to be proud of when you see someone in pain? If there is, tell me, what shits are they?

Both of you are the same.
Made from flesh and blood.
A heart.
Under the same sky.
Breathe the same air.
Stand on the same ground.
Believe in the same God.
Run the same track.
We're human.

I'm proud that Lady Gaga started to stand up for the bullied kids. I love her because of this! =)
And I hope one day, I will help those kids...and what I'm doing now might not help much. But this is my very first step ^^

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