Saturday, February 8, 2014

They talk about SMART; discriminate the LAST

Hi guys! Whatsup? =) Sorry for not updating(?) Hoho! Btw, I've gotten my 'A' level result and it didn't come well. It wasn't what I've expected...I have higher expectations, my tutors too, they have high(er) expectations from me, but I guess I'd let them down ='(

My mum didn't really give a crap. She said that what matters is that I have enough credits(points) to enter university. And guess what? ='( I"VE REACHED THAT STANDARD! =D So yayyy!! I'm going to uni! x')

I kindaaaaaaa aimed to go for scholarship, but....hmmm...nevermind. We can get scholarships even when we're in uni.......if we get GREAT grades!
It's embarrassed for me to say this but, I got a fcukinnn' 'e' for my GP! I, I'm shocked and my tutor too. I normally get a 'b' for my GP(General Paper) and lowest will be 'c' (but I guess not anymore) F it!

We have this so-called's bout surgeon and blah3. In my country, surgeon means the person who does the surgery, but in ermm...other places, surgeon means the operation room (am I right?). I knew that AFTER my exam!  damn...

So yeah, because I'm not the brighty brightie bright so bright student, can you believe me? it's like all damn tutors just ignore my existence.. Haha! maybe not just me... I'm better than the good ones. But I'm thinking..what about the ones who are worse than my result?

In brunei, it's like the opposite of the western country. Here, we only have money, position and education level to gain respect. No celebrities, no writer, no damn actors can make you famous and gain respect from others. THAT IS SAD, YES I KNOW.

This is so unfair. but what can I do? I mean what can we do to change that since it's like a culture already. Pathetic.

Can you imagine, there's this tutor who I hated and hate so much since the first day I step my awesome leg into my school. He never make eye contact with, never talk to me, never face me...TOTALLY ignoring me. While he went all flirty shitty with my friends (guys and girls), make lame jokes and all. ughh.. And when he was briefing about scholarship shits (cause I was I assume that he assumed that I'm smart and 'useful' to my country), for the very first time, he TALK to me...look at me and talk..F-ing explaining shits. But today, haha! shits happen again. It's as if......shit. The SAME all him is treating me like I'm some kind of species like him. F U.

He even embarrassed my bestie cause she's isn't what bruneians call "smart"...the stuff he told the whole class (indirectly) was suppose to be a secret, but he asked her aloud in class. Me and her, the subjects we take aren't similar at all. I'm in the science stream and she's in the business stream. She was soooo embarrassed about what that tutor have done to her. She texted me about it and I have to calm her down. Damn that tutor.

But I'll look whatever happen in a positive way, to motivate myself to be a better person. My dream is to be rich! Haha! Cause I'm tired of having to worry how much I've spent of stuff. I wanna build a house for my family, a house with large compound, without having to worry does it worth or not. I wanna donate my money to those who needs the most of the most.

Oh goshh..I think I've said too much nonsense here. Haha! Thankyou for reading these craps?

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