Sunday, April 6, 2014

Me again.

Hi guys.. I'm sooo sorry for not updating my shits. Internet sucks here. Like seriously. And I'm super busy with my works. Not school works, but school works =p hahah! heyyy, I'm a teacher! =) An teacher to my previous school, Chung Hwa.

I have a lot to say..but I'm scared that the connection will go off all of a sudden (what the hell?)..okey, I'll type real quick. =S

The first day WAS HELL! Everything or everyone was hell!!! hahaha! After having a beautiful break for 3 months, suddenly the principal called me. And I agreed and accept the job. Little did I know, it wasn't as I'd expected.

Some students are really adorable. Some are okey. Some are quiet. Some are reaaaaaaaaally talkative. Some are understanding. Some are crying babies. Some do not have fucking manners. hahaha! Ughh..Do you wanna know what's the hardest?
Ans: unable to swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T hahahah!

I have to act mature and all.. haha! No fun, no fun at all. I'm telling you.

The teachers there...they're very helpful and kind (I think) haha!
Gossips are something we can't avoid.

huh..I wanna share my experience to you guys. But thinking about it, already makes me tired --" fuck it all. hahaha!

Yes, I kinda regret accepting this job, but it actually gets better every week (I think). No matter how much I hate it, but I will promise you to teach them, to share my knowledge to them with all my heart.

Why? Because they, they trust you and your teaching. And my teaching will help them and their future.

I think that's all. Will update you guys soon. Love you! =')

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