Friday, January 3, 2014

Cause you're on my mind

Hi guys.. How are you guys?
I'm kinda depressed right now. Haha!
I've (stupidly) listened to 'Say something - A Great Big World ft Christina Aguilera'
 Ohhh damnn... at first I don't really understand the lyrics, but today I don't know why suddenly it hit me. I realised that those are the words I wanna tell him and how I've felt all there years.

Shieettt... I feel like dying right now. Haha! Goshh...

To those of you who have been broken hearted and unable to move on, just like me...
I hope..really, really hope you guys are stronger than I was...than I am.

I did have some random crush on other guys, but I'm just afraid to get close to them. Haha!
Why? cause I feel safe at my spot. Don't wanna move forward or backward. I'm safe... I'm safe.

Phewww! I'm feeling much better right now for typing these out. For now.

I hope you guys are alright. Take care! =)

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