Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Useless creature that I am...

Recently, 2 of my friends have been pranked by an unknown person through texting.

Both of them are from my group - gangs(?)

And we have clues that, that person is:
1) 80% sure it's a  guy
2) someone from our school
3) someone we know
4) someone just as stupid as a piece of shit that wanna do things like that..

But the thing is, they simply accuse that it's one of our gangs member....
He is the one that stood up for me when my own 'best-friend' back-stabbed me in one of my notes called 'Best-friend Holding Knives'...

While me, I did nothing. I tried to do something...I really tried to prove them wrong, cause I know it won't be him. And why would he do that anyway? But I'm just afraid that they might think it differently, because... so I remained quiet the whole time they bring that subject up.

I did tell them that it won't be him, cause he was seriously blank and he even asked me for that son-of-a-bitch stranger's phone number and phoned him (or maybe her). Unfortunately, it was unreachable..
I mean, see, even though they accused him, he still try to help them..

Gawdddddddd..... I really feel guilty! T.T
I wanna text him to apologise so bad, but I have no guts to. I mean, he stood up for me, but I just can't do the same. How useless I am!! I'm just not a good friend.. T.T

I'm sorry!!!

I'm sorry!!!

I'm really, really, really sorry!!!

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