Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Trying to do something new!

Hey guys!! How are all of you? I hope you guys'd taken good care of yourselves? Haha!
If you are wondering about my health and all.. I'm fine and I'm getting 'healthier' which means I'm getting fatter. I did it on purpose cause I'm gonna stop growing (taller) next year. So yeah, I eat and eat and eat everything..cause who knows? =p And I purposely make myself look fatter cause I planned to do a healthy diet next year and I planned to gain four or six packs x) A lil is enough. Sooooo...I'll look different. I want the 'difference' to be obvious cause people always say I look the same all year round..I mean I never get fat or thin. 
Actually I did gain or lose some weights, but I always look the same. yayyy!! but buuuu for now! And if my friends or assholes call me fat..hahaha! I don't give a damn cause I have plan in mah mind! x)

Oh ya! From the title 'Trying to do something new' hmmm...I was actually thinking doing something different for my blog. I planned to sometimes maybe...post stuff you never knew about me. Why? cause I bet you know what 'just for fun' means and 'I love to do it in my way' means. If some haters find it annoying. who cares? I never asked you to read HAHA! Losers! =p

So yeah, my plan is like this.. I would sometimes (if I have to time):
1) post about myself (random shits)
2) post a short story (fiction) that I've written
3) post some song lyrics that I've written
4) post some poem that I've written
5) post fun stuff
6) post about my crushes or shitty love life haha!

So yeahh..that's all! =D and yay!!! I almost reach 1600 readers that viewed my blog or whatever it is called. I just don't know how to explain it..kakakaka!!

Byes peopleeee!! Love ya all!

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