Saturday, December 1, 2012

play: The Second Chance

Hi everyone! x) how's life? I'm good today, after a good laugh with my friend, Adrian =)
It's kinda late to write bout this, cause it happened on 24th Nov...that is, yeahh..quite a long time ago, I guess?

So yeah, my good friend, Aevie, invited me to a play by her church groups, and she's in the play ;D she is the dancer in that play.. it's called 'The Second Chance'

It's a freakinggggggggg nice, niceeee, niceeee and hilarious play. Damn, I laughed like crazy -.-"

Oh, so here how it goes..

As it stated there...first....that's not important... -.-"
So yeah, when me, my 2 other friends and my sis arrived there....... that makes 4 of us. It was sooooooo awkward! We have no idea what to do and where to go...until Aevie appear HAHA! that's sooo embarrassing and there were HUMANS derrrr~ and yadayadaaa..we went to the counter to give our tickets and were given numbers...our numbers were 19, 20, 21 ans 23...Idk why they'd skipped 22...but that's not important. So, Aevie brought us to the canteen. We waited there for a few minutes and talked rubbish..hoho! And so our numbers we being called. We went upstairs and sat at the best seats...I suppose -.-"
And yeah, as it started...they make clear the rules were to be switched off and blah3... the synopsis were then read...and then the show begins~

Ohhh..before that, my sis told me that a guy who's sitting across (cause the seats were arranged in.....  left, middle and right side...all facing towards the stage...which is at the middle...........and I have no idea what am I talking 'bout and oh, we sat at the side, 2nd row) is good looking and she kinda has a crush on that guy, cause he's like mixed blood. And yeahh..he's good looking x) and I kinda had a just-crush on the same guy o.O so, I was like, nevermind..just forget it..

Lemme just tell you guys my point of view~ I'm just gonna tell it briefly....hoho! laziness~ =p

Before the play started, a girl sang a song...and her voice was nice!! I mean perfect! gawddd! her voice's sooo powerful too...the mic was like 16inches away from her mouth..but it's still damn loud. That's teh time, when I realised that Brunei has talented singer(s)....

Scene 1:
This man, named mr.Tan is damn selfish and loves to cheat on poorer people. He has a shop which sold almost everything.. " Nice to look, nice to try. If you touch, you must buy ", is his shop's policy.. -.-"
There's this woman that wanted a lower price for the clock that she's holding during the promotion, cause it's still too expensive and can't really afford it. Mr.Tan said the clock was from somewhere...somewhere foreign country (which I can't remember...duhhh). But he refused to give her a lower price, but she had to buy...cause of this shop policy.
Then, there's a little girl came, asking for donation..but Mr.tan said that he has no time for all those things. The little girl then kept asking him for it and gave him an advice....that God would be glad and all (I can't remember what she said). Then, at last he surrendered and gave her a quite amount. But not just that, he asked for change -.-"
His best friend, Alex then came to visit him and told him not to be so stingy. Alex also asked him to believe in  Jesus and advise mr.tan to change. but in mr.tan's eyes, money is more important...

Scene 2:
So, here we go...we'll be meeting mr.tan's mother, wife and his 2 children. His mother was the best comedian that night! HAHA! she's old and cute! while his wife....loves to shoooooooooooop and shoppppp and shoppppp -.-" " shop, shop, shop, shop till I drop"...
His 2 children, Cayden and Sophie are just great... they're the ones that went to church and loves to lecture their dad, to open up his mind, to accept Jesus. But, as always......he's too busy~ counting money...
Mr.tan also wanted Sophie to marry to a rich business man's that he could be rich-ER...
Then, the daughter started to sing, and there's when Aevie appeared..dancing haha! she looked like a lil girl..hoho!

Scene 3:
This is when ordinary man, came to mr.tan's shop to buy a present for his wife. Finally, he chose a washing machine. "This is not an ordinary washing machine.....(blah3) is called 'KABOOM!'"
So, when Nick finally arrived home and he happily asked his wife to unwrap the Christmas gift. He also bought presents for his kids with the money he has left. All of them were so excited to test the greatness of the washing machine. 
They sang the song 'If I Were A Rich Man' and dance to the gawdddd.....It was soooo hilarious!
The washing machine then...KABOOM! exploded... Nick was freakin' mad and.......

Scene 4:
Nick arrived to mr.tan's house and knocked of the door vigorously.
Cayden were ordered to open the door...and so he went to the door and saw an angry person. He quickly told his dad to open the door him self..and so he did. Nick just rushed in and scold and maybe threaten mr.tan. Suddenly, mr.tan just fell on the ground.

Scene 5:
Depression....tears....panic.....begging the doctors....prayers...
Mr.Tan had a heart attack...

Scene 6:
So, mr.tan's soul were being taken by 2 angels and he was brought to face Jesus. Mr.tan's name wasn't in the Lamb's Book Of Life, so he has to go to The Lake Of fire. Gawdd....even though this is just a play, it was really scary -.-" the screams.................... Mr.tan then begged for forgiveness and for a second chance, and also promised to accept Jesus. Jesus Christ couldn't really forgive mr.tan at first, until he heard Cayden and Sophie's cries, begging Jesus to forgive their father....

This is when the guy which I thought my sis talked bout appeared...he's one of the dancers..I thought he's just the audience. So I asked my sis "is he the one you're talkin' bout?" " I dont know, I don't think so..."

Scene 7:
Mr.tan who died for 5 minutes, came back to life. And the doctors check again, for confirmation.. at last, they agreed that his heart's as healthy as a new heart... mr.tan then, told everyone that Jesus is real and also shared what he'd experienced while he was away...

After that, a guy showed us 3 pictures...they are the ones that died and came back to life..cause they were give a second chance....

Soooo...that's all... I'm sorry if my english is all upside down and, I'm just too tired and lazy. I planned to finish this post last Thursday...not it's Sunday already... -.-" delayedddddddd....

Then, all the actors, actress and dancers reappeared and came forward to thank us and appreciate us (all the audience) for coming..we shook hands. I was sooo blank. Then, I realised who's my sis was talkin' bout.. all this time, she talked bout a damn good looking guy..who is also mixed blood. White-ish and bruneian-ish. So, phewww...I'll keep this crush feelings I have....temporarily, perhaps?

Oh, I only shook Aevie and her sis's hand...the no no! haha! oh before that, the guy that I had a crush on, was in front of me...he thanked the kids in front for coming to the play. Then, you know whaaaaat? We met eyes to eyes.....gahhhhhhhhhhh!!! I feeling like flying.... -.-" fail... I couldn't forget that moment.. but I know I'll have to let go soon....when it's gone, it's gone ^^ but I really hope to meet him...?

At last, we have refreshments, and he was standing beside the door. so we was sooo late and I cant believe i ate a lot that day -.-" and it was time to go's already 11pm. The last time I saw him is, me and my friends when out of the canteen, and he just came in.... buuuhuhu!
But yeah, I don't have any feeling for him anymore -.-" cause it's just simply a crush yaww~ haha

I know I talked a lot, and this time, this post is boring....cause I got bored typing these too... I hope you all read until the end? T.T

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