Saturday, December 21, 2013

Chased, escape..dreams.

Hi guys! =)

As my previous post stated that I'm gonna talk 'bout my dreams..

Yeah, the dreams that I'd dreamt because I was dreaming when I was dreaming. Haha! Annoyed? =p Who cares? Lets have fun!

So, I remembered of being chased and I was escaping from someone. No, I wasn't just a person, there were I think 3? 2 kids and 1 adult. The guy (adult) had (or was it have? ) a crush on my mum and I remembered that I wasn't really myself at that time and I told him that I'm gonna tell my mum about this. And he was nervous and wanna stop me. He was scared and looked like he'll do anything to stop me from exposing that secret of him. Oh, he told me that he had ( or have) and crush on my mum..that's how it'd started.
I quickly enter the car (my car) and try to drive away. Then there were 2 kids (?) trying to stop me. And I was really scared and try'na drive away as quick as I could. I remember telling myself that my driving skills are okey and has improved a it'll be smooth. But when I got to the main road..there were a lot of cars (like duhh) racing like hell. And I panicked. I didn't know if I'm gonna make it or not..If I'm gonna live or not. Cause the guy looked like he's gonna hurt me and the cars will kill me instantly if I wasn't cautious.. I have the fear until today.
Haha! I know it was a dream, but it'll bring a big impact to falling from the stairs or buildings. Gosh, that feeling you got that'll wake you up. For sure.

Other dreams..I can't remember, but I knew that I was being chased too..cause you know the feeling you got. We tend to remember the feelings we feel when we were dreaming eventhough we'll forget the dreams. True or true? =p

The very recent one is..I was at the beach..having picnic I guess with I don't know who they are. I think they are my friends. I remember that I walked...keep walking. I don't know if I was trying to run away or trying to find something or someone. All I can remember is the sky..the sunset. I was B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L! =) Really beautiful.

I'm doing my research right now and found out that being chased is because you're afraid to face the reality and have phobias or fears about or on something.

Links will be here:

It's all from the internet. They're good.
So I guess that's all! Haha! Thankyou so reading (if you're actually reading)

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