Sunday, June 23, 2013

Get to know my friends!! =D (CTians and my very bestfriend)

Yaw hi hi hiiiii my dear readers! xD
I know, I know that I haven't really update posts about myself (and my FAIL love life muahahaha!! *sob --") , but some random shieeeets... sooo, I'd decided to post bout my friends that I'm quite close!

Lets start with my bestieee!

She'd been my best friend for 5 years alreadyy! Normally I lose a best friend after 2 years cause of disagreements which then arguments arise or maybe not being in the same class ( sooo...distance?). But Mie and I weren't in the same class (and not taking the same subjects AT ALL) for 4 years but we're still fine! =) she's a very hyper girl, but often (and easily) get lost in a conversation and people have to like repeat 2 times OR 3, if you really wanna her to understand what you're saying. She's a strong bietccchhh eventhough there's a lot or peer pressure and conflicts that she'd faced or is still facing. I'm sorry to say that she's not really a good listener (sometimes) and adviseeeeer...cause she's easily distracted..maybe when people are talking to her, she mind imagined about what she'll be doing when she's in that situation. She's also my hero!!! cause she saved me 5 years ago (that's not the reason why were besties) from being hit by a car..duhhh...It wasn't my fault! I was crossing a zebra line and out of no where a car appeared..maybe it's because of my blind spot that I didn't see it. okeyy...hmm..Mie is fun...and funny. she never fail to make me laugh when I'm in a bad mood.

And now it's CTians time! lets start with the oldest?

The girl who has a laughter like an engine and as loud as a Lucia's roar =p HAHAHA! she has a verrrrrrrrrrrrrryyy yellow mind which is not advance, but beyond advance.. --" I remembered she said once, when we (as in CTians...14 members? wawawa) were in pizza hut eating double tuesday..and IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, "it has to be in the dark, so you can feel" (at that time we were talking something yellow (hahaha --") yucccccccccckkk..I was sitting beside her and everyone sitting close to her moved their chairs away HAHAAH!! Hilarious! This girl, never try to challenge her something, cause if you do, nothing can stop her from what you'd dared her to do.

The supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, extremelyyyyyyyy talented girl! She writes stories(or idk) and draws like a pro (that's what I think =3 cause she draws with her heart). She was my adviser when I have a problem last year. She talks non-stop and it sounded as if she's rapping when she talks..hahaha! jokinggg, but then no =p she's a cookie addict *I think haha!

I'm awesome! =3 that's all! AHAHAH!

The mama-ish girl, who's like a mummy to us cause she acts like a mum (mama, mummy, mum...what's next? --"). She's a very nice person, despite her some of her attitude which is saying others belonging lousy..--" duhhh! sometimes I wish to bite her head off when she said those words..but blah3, lets look at the bright side! she's a lecturer in term of health and she's really active. This girl, we can always trust her. =)

The-act-innocent-girl-but-not-so-innocent girl. why? I'll tell you later. We call her the 'censorship' girl cause everyone will get scold if we curse --" ( 1) she curse too, but seldom). when we talked (we're not those assholes that watch porn cause I CAN TELL YOU THAT NONE OF US WATCH THOSE SHITS..well except in movie. We're Bio student so yeah, we tend to talk stuff..we're open minded muahaha! *i think) about yellow stuff, she tend to scold us too, saying it's disgusting, but secretly (2)yeah we all can see) that she's giggling when we talked bout you know.. and oh! she's like the slowest eater IN THIS PLANET!!

A smart girl....when I say smart, she's really really smart. A straight A student alright!! Right now she's in loveeeeee =p she's a very sensitive person, who gets upset very easily..buuu! She loves to slap her friends arm for no apparent reason..I was a victim too.. Her swear word is 'c*b**' ALWAYS!!

The 'princess' in CT..who is obsess with Barbie and disney stuff. she's a smart girl too, and is in love toooooooo.. I love to call her Mogie! AHAH! She's easy to be bullied (but not as easy as Sera) and then, she'll roll her eyes or fire back at you. She swears half way, for example a bad word that's suppose to be 'cela**', she'll just say cela.. She's a really lovely and polite (and lazy) girl AHAH!

huhh..this I can strangle her, I would, long ago!! She's a really stubborn girl. She's actually a nice person, she listens to advice and do really try hard to change her bad Well, thanks to us..derrrrr..(CTians). She told us that vegetables are her worst enemies. and oh, she broke 2-3 chairs (including metal ones..she's not fat, but idk..). A gamer to the core! Like my gawddd...she called her computer and her phone her husband, so that makes her 2 husbands! D= cheater!!!

A sensitive person too, who cries at not-so-sad movie and screams at not-so-scary movie. She eats a lot! She's also my badminton partner for already 4 years! =) Her maths calculation is good, she's always my LIVING calculator muahaha! for eg, if I ask 689 x 142 =?? she'll give the ans in live 5 seconds!! nehh..just kidding =p of course she'll take a calculator out to calculate..derrrr... and oh, she hates chucky!

a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry hyper person who likes photography, actually she takes good pictures! =D (I can take good pictures ok?! I just don't have camera ok?! haha) if you think that she is who she is now, you're wrong! she's actually a very understanding person too, and sincere =) and she eats a lot and slaps people arms (like Shereen) a lot..and yeah, I'm the victim too sometimes --" she has like the best Biology jokes evaaa*actually her voice is in my head when I type that! --"

she's quite a good friend of mine. We always share problems with each other. A smart girl too (Angie, Shereen and Sera are best glue!), she's the wild (and yellow) one among the 3. She's young but mature, and understanding. She never cooks or help in the kitchen --" Nowadays she tend to daydream..eheeeeeeeemm...when you ask her something, she'll reply you something else..pffffttt...

The KING OF BIOLOGY! He's the craziest guy I'd ever met in my whole life --" he's really crazy (just like his cousin..Amal). He's very open and random, but no one will feel uncomfortable around him. He laughed at almost everything and it's really fun to joke with him cause yeah, as I said, he laughed at almost everything. We called him 'tree' cause he's really skinny, but eats like an, a WHALE!! He know that he's skinny, and he called everyone (even the normal looking ones) FAT AND HE CALLED HIMSELF A NORMAL looking person(the body I mean)..the heckk bro..

we called him 'boss' or 'fooking'(for fun). He's the bro of Angie and is like a servant of the princess AHAH! In my opinion, he's more mature than his sister(Angie is the eldest and he's second) *opps =9 He likes to make COLD jokes..In Brunei, it's 24 hours summer, but when he joke around(with his cold jokes), even the summer freeze HAAH! He has a yellow mind too..or maybe alreay turned orange.. --"

I lovey loveyyy to call her SHARK, it's all because of her name, Syak! muahaha! I love to say, 'shark swim shark!' and she'll reply something which I can't really remember. --" when she speaks, she has a polite tone even though she's annoyed hahaha! She's fun to be bullied too! =9 and oh, she is a bigggggggggggggg fan of Adam Lambert! x)


And maybe next week I'll post about something that's almost the same?? like.....lalalala~ =p

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